Black Children Matter
Oct 2019 - Ongoing
The Emerald Sketch provides special programming for Black children who are grappling with the affects of racism; prejudice; chronic gun violence in their neighborhood; and/or economic injustice that denies them access to art therapy services via insurance. Our past activations have included:
October 2019, Brownsville, Brooklyn— Launched arts therapy programming at the Brownsville Public Library in response to chronic mass gun violence in this community.
May 2020 to Present, Columbia County, New York—The Magic Sketch Program in early childhood art therapy trauma response for Black American children in need of services.
June 2020 to Present, Hudson, NY—Music programming in which children and families recorded back-up vocals for You and Us’s debt album, For Children of All Ages. This additional programming brought great meaning and burgeoning energy for the local children directly involved, as well as a diverse array of global listeners.